Real GDP per capita

美 [ˈriːəl ˌdʒiː diː ˈpiː pər ˈkæpɪtə]英 [ˈriːəl ˌdʒiː diː ˈpiː pə(r) ˈkæpɪtə]
  • 网络人均国内生产总值;产总值
Real GDP per capitaReal GDP per capita
  1. Real GDP per capita is 13 per cent up since 1992 , but nominal income is at about its 1995 level .


  2. Since light accounts for about 1 per cent of consumer spending , this alone means that the change in real GDP per capita was underestimated by about 7 per cent over two centuries .


  3. The result of proof shows that , there is a long-term steady balanced increase between the increase of our real GDP per capita or the increase of nominal GDP per capita and financial development .


  4. If Gordon is right to claim that modern inventions are less impressive than those of the late 19th century , we would expect to see slow growth in US real GDP per capita .


  5. Except that it doesn 't prove that at all . What the study actually discovered was a " strong correlation " between each nation 's real GDP per capita and the sense of " well-being " among those nation 's citizens .


  6. It said : The downgrade reflects our opinion that the Netherlands ' growth prospects are now weaker than we had previously anticipated , and the real GDP per capita trend growth rate is persistently lower than that of peers .


  7. It said : " The downgrade reflects our opinion that the Netherlands ' growth prospects are now weaker than we had previously anticipated , and the real GDP per capita trend growth rate is persistently lower than that of peers . "


  8. More than three-quarters of the differences in happiness scores were attributable to six key metrics : real GDP per capita , healthy life expectancy , someone to count on , perceived freedom to make life choices , freedom from corruption and generosity .
